To: Theta Chi UC Davis
Zeta Xi Chapter Alumni Brothers
From : Alumni Board
Ref: 501 Russell Blvd. House - Fundraising Update #4
Hello Zeta Xi Brothers,
We are quickly approaching the point where the fundraising efforts of the last three months will be converted into action, with the major rehab of 501 Russell scheduled to begin soon after the undergraduate brothers move out of the house on June 30th.
Here's an update of our progress and plans:
Fundraising - As of June 20th, we have received pledges and donations totaling just over $250,000, with a few more brothers indicating they will make a pledge soon.
We can still benefit from additional funding as the list of improvements needed is long and construction costs are high. Please consider a donation if you haven't made a pledge yet, and if you have pledged - now is the time to convert your pledge into donations and getting the funds to our alumni treasurer.
Work Day - We are planning an alumni/active work day for the afternoon of Sunday June 30th, from 12 Noon to 4:00 PM. The active members will be moved out as of that day and we will begin the rehab project with a cleanup day. If you're anywhere near Davis, please consider dropping by for a few hours to help out, with pizza and beer, and brotherhood starting at 12:00 PM.
Construction - We are going forward on a series of improvements with various trade contractors, with all windows being replaced in the back house starting in early July. We're close to signing a contract for a major electrical upgrade and installation of new HVAC; with that project also staring in early July as well. We're gathering bids and contracts for interior improvements and will update as we make progress.
The easiest way to donate is via a Zelle Email:
We can also accept donations via check made payable to:
Zeta Xi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity Alumni Association
and mailed to the Alumni Treasurer:
James Beall
225 S. Edgar Ave.
Fullerton CA 92831
Thanks for all donation to date, please convert your pledge into a cash donation at this time.
Eric Tennyson
Alumni Board President